
Lip Filler Migration – What does migrated lip filler look like?

Lip Filler Migration – What does migrated lip filler look like?

Lip filler migration refers to the movement of dermal filler material injected into the lips away from the original injection site, usually above or below the actual red lip creating puffiness around the lips sometimes referred as “Fish Lips” or “Homer Simpson Look”.

Lip filler dissolving before after Gold Coast

Before after the lip filler dissolving and refilling | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

What are the signs of lip filler migration?

If you suspect that your lip filler may have migrated, there are a few signs that you can look for:

  1. Puffy or full look above or below the lips making your actual lip look even smaller – known as “Homer Simpson Look”
  2. Lost structure or border of your natural lips
  3. Asymmetry: If one lip looks significantly larger or more pronounced than the other, this could be a sign of migration.
  4. Uneven or lumpy appearance: If your lips appear uneven or lumpy, this may be a sign that the filler has shifted from its original injection site.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to speak with your provider to determine the cause and discuss possible treatment options. In some cases, dissolving, massage or other techniques may be recommended to help redistribute the filler material. It is always best to seek the advice of a qualified and experienced provider for any concerns related to lip filler.

lip filler dissolving before after DC Aesthetics

Before after the lip filler dissolving and refilling | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

Why does Lip filler migrate?

Lip filler migration can occur due to a variety of factors. Some of them are improper injection technique, too much filler used, inappropriate type of filler used, an inflammatory response to the filler material or excessive muscle activity or pressure/massage of lips soon after the treatment.

Lip filler beforer after cosmetic injectables Gold Coast

Before after the lip filler dissolving and refilling | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

How to avoid Lip Filler Migration?

  1. Choose a qualified and experienced provider: Make sure to choose a provider who is properly trained and has experience in performing natural lip filler injections. A skilled provider will use appropriate injection techniques and high-quality filler products to help minimize the risk of migration.
  2. Look though before and after lip filler photos of the provider you chose and ask to show some photos of very recent treatments that are not published on social media – photos shared to public can differ from the reality.
  3. Follow aftercare instructions: After getting lip filler, it is important to follow your provider’s instructions carefully. This may include avoiding strenuous exercise or excessive movement of the lips for a period of time after treatment.
  4. Avoid excessive heat or cold: Exposure to extreme heat or cold can cause the filler material to shift. Avoid hot showers or saunas and try not to expose your lips to very cold temperatures, such as during outdoor winter activities.
  5. Avoid excessive pressure or rubbing: Be gentle with your lips and avoid rubbing or massaging them excessively, especially in the first few days after treatment.
  6. Use a reputable product: Make sure that the filler product being used is reputable and TGA-approved. This can help to ensure that the filler material is safe and effective, and less likely to migrate. Your provider should provide you the name and batch number of the filler used in your lips.

If you’re looking for a more natural lip filler result or would like to have a chat with qualified and experienced practitioner, book your free consultation with our nurse Diana at DC Aesthetics  Injectables & Skin in Gold Coast. 

