
Will Tear Trough Filler work for me?

If you are thinking how to refresh your eyes and look less tired, Tear Trough filler may be the best solution for you.

It is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that reshapes and rejuvenates the under-eye area during just one treatment. Due to age, genetics, and lifestyle factors, the under eyes can become hollow, sunken, and dark, making you look tired, aged, and sickly. 

What does Tear Trough filler do?

Tear trough filler is a cosmetic treatment that involves injecting hyaluronic acid fillers into the hollow area under the eyes also known as tear trough. This treatment helps to reduce or eliminate the appearance of dark circles, bags, and under-eye wrinkles, giving the patient a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The treatment is quick and easy, taking only 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

 Tear Trough filler injectable Gold Coast

Result before and immediately after the treatment | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

What are the benefits of Under Eyes filler?

  • Smooths out under-eye wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduces the appearance of dark sunken circles
  • Provides a more youthful and refreshed appearance
  • Results are immediate and long-lasting
  • Non-invasive and requires no downtime
  • Provides natural-looking results

Under eyes treatment Tear Trough filler DC Aesthetics

Tear Trough filler result before and immediately after | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

What are the risks of Dermal filler for under eyes?

  • Bruising, swelling, and redness at the injection site
  • At very rare cases allergic reactions to the filler material or infection
  • Lumps and bumps under the skin
  • Asymmetry
  • Discolouration of the skin

That is why thorough consultation and individual assessment with experienced cosmetic injector is always required before Tear Trough filler treatment.

Will Under Eyes filler work for me?

Tear Trough filler is an injectable treatment that takes around 30min and results last up to 12-18 months. | DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin 

Thorough consultation with experienced cosmetic injector is the best way to assess if you are suitable candidate for Tear Trough filler. In general, under eyes filler is suitable for:

  • Men and women who have hollows, wrinkles or dark circles under their eyes
  • Those who are looking to improve the appearance of tired, sagging under-eyes
  • Those who are in good health
  • Those who have realistic expectations about the results of the treatment

Who is not a suitable candidate for Tear Trough filler?

Tear trough filler is not for everyone, however. People with severe allergies, ongoing puffiness under the eyes, bleeding disorders, or autoimmune diseases are not suitable candidates for the treatment. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid any kind of filler. 

Overall, whether or not tear trough filler is right for you depends on your individual goals, medical history, and willingness to accept the potential risks and side effects. It is important to discuss your options with a qualified medical injector to determine if this procedure is a good fit for you. 

Book your free consultation with our experienced nurse Diana at DC Aesthetics Injectables & Skin Clinic in Gold Coast to discuss if Tear Trough filler can be a suitable treatment for you.
